Monday, December 8, 2008

It is Finals Week

The above text serves as both a title and an excuse as to why I have not posted in some time. Perfect! Blog efficiency! We run a tight ship here. And by we, I mean I, who sits at her computer in her room alone and every so often and writes to no one.*
Today I let a man who looked very much like a rapist into my apartment. It turns out he was the electrician my roommate had called earlier in the day, when it was still, well, day time.
He did not rape us, but instead fixed our circuit breaker while doing a very poor "redneck conservative" impression and laughing his head off about it. Apparently after a day of listening to talk radio, that is how electricians wind down.

In lieu of a photograph today, I would like to post a video instead. This is a commercial my sister found. I emailed this to my Victorian Lit professor (You'll have to trust me that in a roundabout way this pertains to Thomas Hardy) and he posted it to our class website. I think it's one of the cutest things I've seen in ages!!

*Yes, I will continue to pretend that no one reads this blog, because if I try to please what readers I do have, I will inevitably fail, and feel horrible about myself.

1 comment:

Jen said...

That is the greatest commercial! Mom showed it to me yesterday. It's a wish for wings that work!!! YAY!