Thursday, June 16, 2011

BBQ Seitan!

Another food post! I always get excited when I make a recipe from Veganomicon, because this cookbook is seriously awesome. I definitely credit two books most of all for my slow but steady turn towards veganism. The first is "Eating Animals" by Jonathan Safran Foer, and the second is Veganomicon, for opening up a whole new world of cooking to me.

Tonight I made their Simple Seitan recipe (really easy recipe, but takes an hour to cook) then made their BBQ Seitan and Crispy Coleslaw Sandwich using the seitan I made. Damn. It was so awesome. It was like the perfect summer meal. Jace and I ate it out on the porch and drank PBR's and watched the fireflies (have you seen them? I just started seeing them last weekend). I probably haven't eaten ribs since my junior year in high school, but these definitely satiated any cravings I ever had for them.

Sorry the photograph isn't better, I was starving.

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