Friday, April 15, 2011

Thrift Shop Adventures

Thrift shopping is my favorite thing that involves me willingly handing money over to strangers. Just think about it. You walk through a door, and within that space could be anything, or nothing. It could be a room full of junk, or that thing, that one thing you've been looking for your whole life could be hidden there. Maybe you didn't even know you were looking for it. All you know is that you and this thing--this book or rug or lamp--have finally crossed paths. Maybe the lamp is fifty years old, and it took it that long to find you, living in who knows how many homes before finally becoming yours. It's like discovering buried treasure, or a secret place no one has ever set foot in before. It's so magical to me to think of these things having other owners before me. Who wore these clothes, and were did they were them? The past of these items will always be a mystery to their new owners. It's so wonderful how it has to be that way. So wonderful and strange.

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